“You can do challenging things, and, it gets to be easy”


Personal Growth & Sisterhood

Gratitude & Forgiveness Course
Created and led by: Janelle McMiller

In my coaching practice, I help women understand the power of Gratitude & Forgiveness and how applying both can truly heal you from the inside out and create more abundance, love, and happiness in your life!

I crafted this course with the goal in mind of being able to have more outreach, to help more women find love, happiness, and abundance in their lives through being able to embody Gratitude & shining a light on their past trauma and everyday situations that need forgiveness. Then, using the practices I provide to truly forgive so they may cultivate abundance in all areas of their lives.

What’s included – Course Outline:

  • Module 1: Who I am and the course overview
    In this module, you will learn about who Janelle McMiller is, what qualifies her to coach you through Gratitude & Forgiveness and the outline of this course.
  • Module 2: Gratitude
    In this module, you will learn about gratitude and how to implement gratitude into your life each day using her daily Gratitude practices.
  • Module 3: Forgiveness
    In this module, Janelle will discuss with you the power in forgiveness. Janelle will explain the different ways in which she herself was able to forgive, along with a personal story from her past.
  • Module 4: Forgiving their capacity
    In this module, Janelle helps you to understand how to navigate forgiveness, when you still want the person who hurt you to remain fully in your life.
  • Module 5: Forgiveness at the end
    In this module, Janelle shares a forgiveness practice for those who have hurt you in such a way that you no longer desire a relationship with them, in any form.
  • Module 6: Forgiveness of self
    In this module, Janelle explains the importance of SELF forgiveness.
  • Module 7: What’s next
    In this last module, Janelle explains what next steps to take! She discusses triggers and how to move forward when they come up 

Janelle M.
Founder/CEO Syncquility
Creator of the Gratitude & Forgiveness Course

Janelle is known for her work as a Growth Mindset Expert, Confidant for women and Gratitude & Forgiveness Guide/Mentor. She is known for being the “Manifesting Queen”! Janelle’s motto is Envision • Hustle • Receive. Her message: No more boxes, no more labels. Janelle’s mission in life is to meet women where they are and allow them to feel seen and inspired to create a life they are obsessed with, one celebratory step at a time!​ 

She is passionate about  supporting women along their personal growth journey and that is felt by all who she works with. 


Janelle is offering her 4 week Mindset Mentorship container.

(A container in mentorship refers to the deliberate creation of a safe space—a structure built around the mentorship relationship. Its purpose is to hold and safeguard the space between the mentor and the client, fostering an environment where the mentorship relationship can thrive.)

It is like therapy, but not. A Mindset Mentor aids you in changing your mindset to support the vision you have for your life. Have you ever heard the phrase “Change your mindset, change your life.“? It is true, I am proof, you really can. There has been much discussion throughout the years that thoughts can transcend matter. I believe that. It all starts with our thoughts. This is why our mindset is vital and a direct mirror to the life we live. 

A Mindset Mentor helps you to reprogram your mind. To unlearn things you’ve heard or been taught that doesn’t actually serve you. To move into an anything is possible, forward thinking, hopeful, intentional and more positive way of feeling and seeing life.

This allows you to overcome self-doubt, release what’s been holding you back, and embody gratitude. Helping you to navigate the complex landscape of your aspirations and responsibilities.

Mindset Mentorship is supported by mindfulness practices to reduce stress, increase your confidence, and assists in setting and achieving the goals you CHOOSE to set for yourself. Through this level of mentoring, you’ll find deeper purpose and joy in your journey, creating a life that not only looks good on the outside, but truly feels inspiring, fun, romantic and peaceful.

I will support you in transforming your mindset so you can unlock the path to your dream life.

A confidant is someone who you can openly, honestly, and unapologetically share your thoughts, feelings, opinions, and beliefs with. A confidant is unlike a friend, no matter how close, or a family member. A confidant is someone who won’t judge the person you are talking about or judge you based on something you did or said or thought. A confidant is a safe space to release to. There is so much power in sharing it all, out loud. Being able to just let it go. (anyone else hearing Elsa singing? “Let it go, let it goooooo.” Yes, I am a Mom and also, it is just a really good movie). When we vent to those around us we worry about so many things; judgement at some level being a top concern and therefore it stops us. Or, we do let it all out then deeply regret it or hold shame over it. With a confidant, you don’t have to worry about that. Also, there is never a need to apologize for ‘being negative’ or ‘projecting’ etc. I, as your confidant, have the capacity to hold all that you give me. So you get to just let it out. The other beautiful thing about allowing your guard to be dropped and becoming (even just a little) vulnerable is that that is where we find what it is you truly want, what you feel is holding you back, and the best way to get you from where you are to where you desire to be.

I’ve had the privilege of working with/alongside hundreds of women over the years in all different capacities (1:1, masterminds, retreats, conferences, etc.) and no matter their demographics or what brought them into my world (business or personal growth) there was one common theme; they all craved someone to talk to. They needed a confidant. 

I am not someone who will shine a positivity light on you and tell you to sit criss-cross on your couch and wish for it all. There will be work involved. It will be challenging at times. It will be really fun, too. We will get curious and creative. It becomes a journey, one you don’t have to walk alone. 

It truly is such an honor to support ambitious, determined women along their transformation… to witness your growth, cheer you on… to guide, mentor, lead, and support you along the way; it is such a rewarding feeling!

Some things I’ve supported my clients with that you may also want support with:

Enhanced clarity and focus: My mentorship helps you to gain clear insight into your true priorities, allowing you to focus on what matters most, reducing overwhelm and increasing productivity.

Increased confidence: By challenging limitations and reframing negative mindsets patterns, my clients have found themselves in a more empowered state therefore allowing them to build unshakeable confidence in their abilities, decisions, and worth. With this increased confidence they’re able to make decisions aligned with their personal values and goals, freeing them from the paralysis of doubt and fear of making wrong choices. 

Reduced stress and improved overall well-being: Through mindfulness and stress management techniques, you’ll manage your emotional intelligence which leads to handling pressure with grace, leading to a healthier, more enjoyable life. With customized strategies my clients discover how to seamlessly integrate business ambitions with family life and personal time, finding joy in each aspect. You deserve that!

Deep, lasting fulfillment: Beyond surface-level, I’ve assisted my clients in uncovering and pursuing what genuinely fulfills them, leading to a life rich with purpose and overflowing abundance.

Gratitude and Forgiveness work is the epicenter of everything that I do because that is truly what changes it all, like magic!

My unique blend of mindset mentoring and confident companionship is the key to unlocking your potential, guiding you towards not just success, but a deeply gratifying life.

There is no blueprint to which I follow. It isn’t a step 1 through 20. Or an A-Z process. Because you are your own unique person. 

If you’re ready to get started, simply fill out the form below. All information will be sent directly to your email including what to expect and pricing options!​

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Janelle and I met at a conference and I immediately felt a connection. She provided me with the support I needed when I was desperately looking for forgiveness and relief. I had been holding on to anger and resentment towards a family member my whole life and therapy wasn’t giving me the tools I needed. She took the time to hear me, see me and ask if I needed support. She mentioned compassion, gratitude and forgiveness and her sharing her own stories of forgiveness really helped me relate and find peace in my own relationship. Janelle is an embodiment of wisdom, presence and compassion! I highly recommend her as a coach, speaker and mentor.

-Leslie A.

Janelle is unstoppable and when you partner with her you quickly realize that she is inviting you to join her in that energy. I subscribed to the belief that I had to wait to chase my dreams until everything was perfect. In the meantime, years were going by while I slaved away at a job that did not fulfill me and took my peace. After Janelle helped me identify what I really wanted she pointed out everything that was POSSIBLE NOW. She held my hand and said “Jump!” Good Lord, if you know Janelle you know that she is obsessed with her life and she invites you to be obsessed with YOUR life. Her agenda in coaching me was not her own but was divine and open to what the universe was already supporting. She asks you to be brave, she shows you how safe it is to run your own race and challenges you lovingly to step into and create a life you can also be obsessed with. Without the one on one coaching with her I believe I would still be working at a job that robs me of my joy in and industry filled with stress. I am now on my highest path, achieving my dream of becoming a doula. I was able to take quick action and found that the universe had been in full support all along but my limiting beliefs were holding me back. Thank you Janelle for helping me subscribe to momentous energy that propelled me toward my path of a life I can be obsessed with!

-Candace E.

Before working with Janelle, I wasn’t sure that I could ever let go of the pain and anger I held so tightly to. I wasn’t sure I was ready to forgive people who had really caused me so much angst and trauma, or face the resentment and judgement I put on myself. Janelle provided the safest most secure place for me to share and process. A place where my vulnerability was not judged or ridiculed, but with love, understanding and compassion. She guided me through a process that has forever changed my life. I no longer hold hate in my heart, but instead so much gratitude for what was, what is and what will come. Forgiving people for the pain they caused me has lifted the world from my shoulders. Forgiving myself has boosted my confidence and given me a strength I never knew I had inside of me. I never thought I could get here, I wanted to give up so many times. Janelle never let any of us give up and she helped me to unlock a powerful, strong, worthy woman inside of myself, and for that I am eternally grateful.

-Bonnie Y.

Our Mission Statement

At Syncquility, we are focused on creating a safe, open space for all humans who identify as female. We welcome all races, religions, backgrounds, and sexual orientation to come together for true, meaningful connection. Our mission is to share our experiences & knowledge, to help guide and support you throughout your own personal growth journey, so you can listen to your inner voice and rise up as the magnificent human beings that you are! At Syncquility we promise to show up with integrity and work diligently to create an environment for all women to feel included, seen, heard, held and appreciated.

Our foundation, and everything that we do, is focused on Personal Growth & Sisterhood

Personal Growth

When was the last time you sat down and asked yourself “What do I want?” When was the last time you took a moment to be still, to play, to connect? When was the last time you sat and thought about what you wanted your future to look like? Personal growth means: getting to know who you are, practicing self love, unraveling your old belief systems and deciding how you want to feel and what you want to believe in. Personal growth is owning your individuality. Personal growth is having patience with yourself! Personal growth is something we work on consistently. You’ve got this, and we are here to help guide and encourage you on your journey!


We can do all of the things, but that doesn’t mean that we have to, and we definitely do not have to do it alone! There is such a beautiful energy that is created between women who can share a space that is free of judgment, comparison, shame, and competition. Our community is built on this energy. It is a space where women come in exactly as they are and grow together. We are all on our own unique path and there is room for ALL OF US! Syncquility does not discriminate. We recognize our differences and find beauty in those differences. The space that has been created is a space for vulnerability, celebration, and deep connection.


“For far too long we lived in a world where sharing what or how we were feeling, getting emotional or showing vulnerability was a sign of weakness…times have changed. I see SO much more willingness to connect, especially during this pandemic. But there is still those who feel lost, disconnected, lonely and just crave a place to be heard without the fear of backlash or judgement, there are still those who despite the asking and the begging for support from family or friends, still feel they are coming up short, they still don’t feel seen or heard.

During this past year so many of us have felt we are living in our pain, bathing in our anxiety, cradling our depression, unable to see our therapists or have medications filled, some living alone without human connection or physical touch. We’ve been forced to sit in our thoughts whether they be good or entirely dark.

So where am I going with this? Syncquility. You’ve probably never heard of it or even seen the word. Syncquility is a sisterhood created by the incredible Janelle McMiller. It is a SAFE space for anyone who identifies as female, to come and be lifted in love no matter your age, race, sex, gender, religion etc. I love being apart of this sisterhood, what I didn’t know was how beneficial it would be for my mental health, my sanity and my entire life. The purpose of this is just to let you know that each and every one of you deserves to be happy. Each one of you deserves to find community and love and support. And if you happen to identify as female, Syncquility would love to welcome you with open arms. Please check it out. This is a sisterhood unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and I would be crazy not to share it with those who need it most. Sending love and light to all.”
Bonnie Yung 💜

Seven video modules

Move at your own pace

Watch from any device

Only $150.00.

How Gratitude & Forgiveness has changed my life.

We all have scars that cover the canvas which is our body. Both figuratively and physically. My scars come from mental/emotional abuse, molestation, neglect, lack of confidence, depression, and anxiety. I have grown through a lot of trauma throughout my life. Yes, I have felt pain. But, I choose curiosity over fear. I graciously, and without judgement or shame, look at my pain and process my feelings in a healthy, loving way. Being a person who loves to journal, I was able to identify the tools and practices that saved my life. I feel that it is one of my life’s purposes to help other women, do the same.

In 2013, my life changed forever with one BIG choice, and many little decisions. I filed for divorce from a man I had known and been with for over half of my life, and started becoming selfish enough to find who I was and what I wanted. Along this journey I welcomed in a lot of self acceptance, self love, and grace. I found my voice. I started feeling gratitude for who I was, and for what I had. I started dreaming again and believing in the person I was. But, I still felt deep pain. I still struggled with depression and anxiety. I wanted to feel freedom from my past and be at peace for the life I had lived. Once I started forgiving, it was like I started receiving keys to a multiple lock system that was keeping me in a type of prison. It took until 2018 to truly forgive all of my trauma. It was a long journey, but, good things take time! Today, I feel immense gratitude because of the practices I follow daily, and I forgive easily using the tools I have learned in order to do so.

According to my attorney, I need to make sure I always say this to you: I don’t guarantee or warrant any results or make any promises of any sort to you, in any way. The testimonials on this page/ the Syncquility website may not be typical for all humans who take work with me, Janelle M and/or ®Syncquility.

Before we start, I want to share with you my personal disclaimer. Please read thoroughly. I am NOT a doctor, therapist, psychiatrist or a psychologist. I am not a counselor nor a certified coach. What I am is a human who is an expert at living my life, and I am here to share with you my experiences, my knowledge and my support. I cannot guarantee any results, as results will vary depending on each individual. No promises have been made.